Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
Was Jesus really born on December 25? Isn't the Christmas holiday born from pagan roots? These kinds of questions seem to come up every year at this time. Here are my answers: No, most likely Jesus was born earlier in the year. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church instituted the Christmas holiday to offset pagan celebrations.
Should Christians celebrate Christmas? No - and Yes! We should not celebrate any "day" as being more holy than another (Rom. 14, Col. 2), but every day should be observed as "to the Lord." Therefore, we should not celebrate a "day" more than we celebrate our Savior.
But, we should take every opportunity to celebrate the birth of our Savior! The sad thing is that we relegate this worship or celebration to one time of the year. We should rejoice in the coming of our King all year round! Take this time to focus less on worldly traditions and more on the Word becoming flesh. "But when the fulness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons" (Gal. 4:4:5).